Tuesday, October 26, 2010

141 - 160


hey sun, said the earth

there is no shame in shining

wind, sweep these clouds clear


she cried for the tail

tears so deep, so blue, upon

them, a whale appeared

untitled #10

speed up or slow down?

i love orange leaves, summer's

coming to a stop.

(that which does not serve)

i'm drawn to small pyres

rake my breath over hot coals

dust my words in ash

(i started smoking)

my smoke keeps dying

what's the trick to keep it lit?

como expio?

haiku equivalent of a dad joke:

nickel on the floor

worth my while to pick it up?

well, what's your 2 cents?

untitled #11

never have i grieved

so hard so fast that my eyes

they changed color so

12th street

orange cab driver

drinking orange soda pop

window, bottle, glass

i love you #4

with you I'm bamboo

knock kneed and swaying, and you

wind in my hallow.

untitled #12

rough bark slowly split-

ting. stretched to turn old old old

deep down petrified

preventative measures

stop! hold still! lemme

scissor cut that loose black thread

that hangs like a fuse

suddenly it's cold out

dust rust winter coat

(jacket?) warm the back/chest/skin

to blister like spring

untitled #13

cooked cleaned now waiting

table set. expectations,

stacked like plates, quiet.

untitled #14

i can't sea you for

the salt sting left in your wake

churning emotions

bob marley

soft tarantula

creeps, back beats, love, i dub thee

prince of stone castles

hike up, run down

size you up mt si

switch back thoughts breathed into moss

clouds blanket top view


a simple given

spiney limbs, pails for the well,

liquid cut with light


treasoned leaves laced thru

and thru with true and true, wilt.

soft, bitter remarks.

i love you #5

i i i i i

like like like like like like like

you you you you you

i profess

i protest, grass blades

thru the cracks in the side walk

we walk side by side

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

126 - 140

I'm melting in the snow

my blood's sap I'm trees

tapped the temperature's rising

a sweet temple strapped

calculate us

I equate you with

staring square at the unmade

corners of the bed

you are, by and by

what does it mean to

cook/serve/eat the grains of rice

I wrote on, swore on

yes, I used to own a poster of a fractal

I imagine that

chaos probably functions

equally as form

destined to fade

holy shit that bruise!

a watercolor face down

still wet brush with death

untitled #8

this piece's title's

embedded in the piece its

self. can you find it?


the bird bore an egg

mid flight. with no land in sight,

the sea took delight.

same page

we're tucked in the sheets

two pens in a shirt pocket

inky black warm hearts

how i found god

i'm a lizard pierced

on a thorn. laughing bleeding

staring at the sun

highway 1

riding round with you

i feel good, seat belt safe, full

filled up like gas tanks

honey glazed

tipped over you drip

with viscous indecision

wide mouth jar drooling

last one out

fires dying down

like my body laying down

logs crack, show gray, ash

leaves obscure

cracks in the sidewalk

look! line up exactly to

trees shadows, street lit


i've tricks up my sleeves

shocking! a fresh battery

of eels, charged, waiting.

untitled #9

what is your stance on

mishaps? they happen, at times,

happenstance, missed times.

Monday, October 11, 2010

116 - 125

so, like,

it's not like my heart

is gonna run out of beats

still the sun breaks night

clove hitch

to a gentle swell

we sway below deck, night sails

bones creak. lapped wet planks

somewhere between often and never is always

i do think of you

in the same way i think of

trees, the ground, mountains

city pigeons

a synchronized flock

wings that just touch, and bellies

that reflect the sun

holy holy

i wanna plague you

like locust, rivers turned blood.

god please part our seas.

solicitous solitude

you don't live here but

here I bring you in, in thoughts

a pile of junk mail

untitled #7

if keys were me, yours,

worn on your hip or lost or

slipped in your pocket

it's a hot july

fire cracker cracks

shirts off, I'm fading daylight

enjoying the show


time alone is nice

stretched across my living space

elongated cat

fight and fight and fight

you're moving. i hear

pigeon's feather whips. and you,

startled into flight.