i turned the corner to find what you have found
the owl is face down
in the middle of the road
dead. a shadow cast.
fake it till you make it
no need to believe
even just the act of it
flips the switch to on.
wait a second
dear god, everything
in moderation? ok. . .
but what then of you?
on your kiss
i hang forever
a comet burning ether
exclamation point
avid adversary
i can build a shelf
but i ain't got books no more
i burned them myself
rinse wash repeat wash repeat
i did the wash but
still don't feel clean. yr shirt hangs
(like a ghost) drying.
then you invited me to go for a walk at night
nervous fingers flit,
sing, dart. i'm startled. cricket
legs caught in my throat.
dove of peace, dove of pieces.
the indifferent bird
having searched us for perches
delivers our sings.
occasional cumulus #2
steel gray clouds like slate
gray battleships armed, disarmed,
coming into dock.
i can see your breath
ice on the pond. no,
a stream frozen over. there's
an undercurrent.